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Display information for equation id:math.1253.0 on revision:1253
* Page found: Photoeffekt (eq math.1253.0)
(force rerendering)Occurrences on the following pages:
Hash: 18829eb2c1c270b04f086ae272289c6b
TeX (original user input):
LaTeXML (experimentell; verwendet MathML) rendering
MathML (506 B / 258 B) :

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="p1.1.m1.1" class="ltx_Math" alttext="{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\nu}}" display="inline">
<semantics id="p1.1.m1.1a">
<mi id="p1.1.m1.1.1" xref="p1.1.m1.1.1.cmml">ν</mi>
<annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content" id="p1.1.m1.1b">
<ci id="p1.1.m1.1.1.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.1">𝜈</ci>
<annotation encoding="application/x-tex" id="p1.1.m1.1c">{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\nu}}</annotation>
SVG image empty. Force Re-Rendering
SVG (0 B / 8 B) :
MathML (experimentell; keine Bilder) rendering
MathML (188 B / 155 B) :

<math class="mwe-math-element" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow data-mjx-texclass="ORD"><mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"><mi>ν</mi></mstyle></mrow></math>
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